While high scores of both ERMI and HERTSMI-2 accurately predicted markedly
increased risk of recrudescence, only low HERTSMI-2 predicted safety from reexposure
for patients who had prior CIRS-WDB. Use of HERTSMI-2 is inexpensive,
reproducibly reliable and predictive of mold associated re-exposure from water
damaged buildings (WDB), especially for sub-optimally remediated buildings.
The evidence presented confirms that data from MSQPCR testing can alert patients with
CIRS-WDB and their health care providers to possible problems with re-entry to previously
affected WDB. Use of HERTSMI-2 is confirmed to show predictive accuracy of over 97% for
patients with low or high scores. Indeterminate values demand additional building evaluation
and remediation before permitting re-entry of patients with previously confirmed CIRS-WDB.
Given the low cost (~US $150) and rapid turnaround provided by mycology labs that satisfy
all MSQPCR testing requirements, HERTSMI-2 testing can avoid dangerous exacerbation of
health effects for buildings with high HERTSMI-2 scores and provide reasonable expectations
for safety with cautious re-entry when the HERTSMI-2 scores are low (<10).
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