Knowledge Gaps Concerning Mold Exposure and Health Effects

What are the knowledge gaps concerning mold exposure and its health effects? Chief among the knowledge gaps are defining how mycotoxins affect human health and the health risks associated with mycotoxins, microbial volatile organic compounds, allergen and glucan...

Biocides and Mold Remediation

Are biocides useful or required in mold remediation projects? Biocides are disinfectant chemicals used to kill germs. In most mold remediation projects, biocides are not a substitute for thorough cleaning. Biocides are of limited use in remediation of indoor mold...

Mold Smell

What to do if you see or smell mold in your home The most important step is to identify the source(s) of moisture, which result in mold growth, and make repairs to stop them. If you only clean up the mold and do not fix the moisture problem, most likely the mold...

How to Prevent Mold Growth in Your Home

The key to preventing and stopping indoor mold growth is to control excessive moisture and condensation. Keeping susceptible areas in the home clean and dry is critical. In general, mold will not grow indoors without water, dampness or excessive moisture. Three main...

Does Mold Cause Cancer?

There is no evidence linking indoor exposure to black mold or any other type of mold with cancer. Mold is associated with other health problems, though. Mold can be found anywhere there’s moisture. Mold spores travel in the air, so spores can find their way inside...