Asbestos has been in use since prehistoric times. The fact it is dangerous was known at the time of Aristotle, but we’ve used it ever since, despite the hazards. Dangers of asbestos, like those of global warming, are often ignored those in charge of keeping us safe: our government.

Asbestos is still mined in Russia, parts of Africa and, of all places, Canada.
You’ve probably seen TV ads for attorneys specializing in asbestos-related claims. But beyond the hype of the advertisements, diseases are real and indicate serious and deadly conditions; both mesothelioma and asbestosis are lethal. But the fact is, these are not the only bad culprits from exposure: Lung cancer, pleural plaques, pleural thickening, pleural effusion and digestive tract cancer are also possible outcomes, too. 

Asbestosis is not curable at this time. Mesothelioma, in many cases, is treatable, as are the various other types of cancer and pleural conditions.
Disease is not always the outcome to exposure. Many who are exposed will not become sick. This is true for radon exposure, smoking, eating burned hot dogs from the grill, working with gas and oil, and sunbathing. The point is, the more we know, the better we can reduce our exposure and avoid some risk. Insurance companies love this concept. 
The length of time from exposure to the onset of symptoms is called the latency period. Depending on the type of asbestos, the period can range from 10 to 40 years. As always, knowledge is power. The more you know, the better off you are.