Wildfire Protection

We provide consultation on how to improve the survivability of your home, property, or business in the event of a wildfire. Our onsite report analysis, including relevant photographs, provides detailed advice on home hardening and defensible space, based on industry standards. We not only make sure to acknowledge and encourage existing strengths, but also address recommendations that need attention. We tailer our consultation to your individual property and personal experience, whether it’s working with a homeowner who is new to wildfire issues, or evaluating a seasoned fire fighter’s property.

We realize that some improvements are costly, so we emphasize free or low cost measures as well. We do not “sell” anything, but provide education, navigation, analysis, and referrals if requested. Importantly, we can also provide consultation on evacuation and preparedness planning. We are Certified in Wildfire Mitigation, by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) and our focus is on Sonoma County and surrounding counties. 


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